This introduction is sort of the capstone of a personal project which started by scheduling 100+ coffee chat, lunch, and happy hour conversations to talk about user stories.
As an extroverted introvert, in any family, school, or workplace gemba I engage in (what I’ve since learned is) a form of therapy by “talking it out”. I over-use analogies and metaphors to reveal a perceptual state and productively solve a collective problem. I over-share the same story to different audiences, using the response to A/B test into a better individual, project, or business strategy.
This form of storytelling requires an audience which is both patient and frustrated by indecision.
It turns out, there are many problems and success criteria to discuss.
My human insight/conceit/assumption: the entire business model underpinning the radio industry is built off the operating principle that brands are willing to pay for the consumer’s attention in 3-5 min chunks.
So, that’s what we’ll try to do.
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